1. Carlos, I am interested in many of these same asset management issues as well the use of Machine Learning to quantify the risk/reward aspects of different asset management strategies. I look forward to following your efforts in these areas.

    1. Author

      Thank you Charles. Over the coming weeks and months I’ll lay out the conceptual framework that I will be implementing in this platform.
      Your comments and suggestions will be welcomed.

  2. Hi Carlos,
    Best Wishes for the project.
    I like your thought process about “not being constrained by what we have (legacy assets and systems), but starting from scratch”…..
    Curious to see your approach and solutions…

  3. Fantastic futuristic approach Carlos. I will be following this and would like to participate from implementation perspective.

    1. Author

      Thanks Dilip. I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities to participate.

  4. Wishing you the best of luck, Carlos. Sounds very interesting!
    I would love to be of assistance in structural engineering if you need anything.

    1. Author

      Thanks Shadi. I intend this to be a platform that supports any type of asset. I’m sure there will be opportunities to contribute for all disciplines.

  5. Look forward to contributing 😊
    Create new imprints !!

  6. I will be following this space since there is no legacy system to worry about.

  7. Good luck Carlos! Sounds like a great challenge.

  8. All the best, Carlos. Should be an interesting journey.

    1. Author

      Thank you Sandy. Hopefully the project generates some interesting discussions and a bit of fun along the way.

  9. Great initiative.
    Please let me.know if I can be of any assistance.

    1. Author

      Thanks Paritosh. I’m sure that as the ideas develop there will be plenty of opportunities to help.

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