Table is a general abstraction of a Table object for the .NET environment.
Table is a simple project I created to be used as part of larger projects. It allows you to quickly add an abstraction to use data tables and related functionality.
How to use Table
using EngineersTools;
// Create a new table with
// Title: 'My New Table'
// 4 Rows x 3 Columns
var table = new Table("My New Table", 4, 3);
// Add a header to the fisrt column
table.Columns[1].Header = "First";
// Add text to cell on Row 2, Col 1
table.Cells[2, 1] = "Content 2,1";
// Add a number to cell on Row 1, Col 1
table.Cells[1, 1] = 67.0m;
// Output the table as a string

Check the GitHub repository for more.