D2 is a diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams. It stands for Declarative Diagramming. Declarative, as in, you describe what you want diagrammed, it generates the image.
A diagramming dev tool
D2 is designed towards a single goal: turn diagramming into a pleasant experience for engineers. Plenty of tools can claim to do that for simple diagrams, but you stop having a good time as soon as you get to even slightly complex diagrams — the ones that most need to exist.
Why is that? Because most diagramming tools today are design tools, not dev tools. They give you a blank canvas and a drag-and-drop toolbar like you’d see on Figma or Photoshop, and treat their intended workflow as a design process. Engineers are not visual designers, and the lack of ability to spatially architect a system should not block the creation of valuable documentation. Every drag and drop shouldn’t require planning, and updates shouldn’t be a frustrating exercise in moving things around and resizing to make room for the new piece. Declarative Diagramming removes that friction.
Get D2 and start producing declarative diagrams here: https://d2lang.com/