Agros2D is a multiplatform application for the solution of physical problems based on the Hermes library, developed by the group at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
What Agros2D can offer you
- Numerical solution of physical fields (single and multi-physics analysis with the possibility of weak and hard coupling)
- Complex time-dependent nonlinear solver
- Steady state, harmonic and transient analysis
- Particle tracing in electromagnetic fields
- User-friendly preprocessor and powerful postprocessor
- Support for scripting in Python (advanced IDE PythonLab)
- Highlights of Agros2D and Hermes capabilities
Highlights of Agros2D and Hermes capabilities
- Higher-order finite element method with h, p and hp adaptivity based on reference solution and local projections
- Time-adaptive capabilities for transient problems
- Multimesh assembling over component-specific meshes without projections or interpolations in multi-physics problems
- Parallelization on single machine using OpenMP
- Large range of linear algebra libraries (MUMPS, UMFPACK, PARALUTION, SuperLU, Trilinos)